dramaturg + Andrea Scarfì [choreographer]

2021 / HIER=JETZ Festival 2021, / Munich


Concept / Andrea Scarfì + Francesco Cocco

Choreography / Andrea Scarfì

Dramaturg / Francesco Cocco

Dancers / Andrea Scarfì + Emanuelle Rizzo

Support / TanzTendenz Munich + Anghiari Dance Hub + APS Live Arts Cultures


HUT - I’ve been often soaked in a state of absence, as if in a constant training for cohabiting with lack, always existing in real time here and now, knowing that nothing can be taken for granted and that everything could change.

Sometimes I even feel like I’m missing parts of me that never existed.

I miss being a child and feeling like I can find everything essential in a secret world that no one can touch.

I carry myself on my own shoulders, following unusual paths, looking for the essential that has no name. Confused, lost, happy, in my little wooden house, looking for something I had back then, when I didn’t need to search or change to feel complete.

“why be scared of a hat?" My drawing was not a picture of a hat. It was a picture of a boa constrictor digesting an elephant. - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince



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