dramaturg + Andrea Scarfì [choreographer]

2021 / Anghiari Dance Hub / Teatro di Anghiari


Production / Anghiari Dance Hub

Concept / Andrea Scarfì + Francesco Cocco

Choreographer / Andrea Scarfì

Dramaturg / Francesco Cocco

Dancers /Francesca Roini + Andrea Scarfì

Support / APS Live Arts Cultures


“Strangers will come and go, are gone for good. The bedrooms empty. Here is a new skin for you to wear in the enchanted wood.” George Szirtes, BOARDING HOUSE

Boarding House is a research on living, accepting the tragicomic balance of the provisional, and turning this life into a game. The term boarding house indicates a type of house, still widespread in the United States, where it is possible to rent a room by sharing the common spaces with the other tenants. This container represented for young people an intermediate step between family and independence: a silent witness for those who temporarily call it home. Between one tenant and another, the objects, touched by everyone but owned by no one, are crammed into empty and anonymous rooms. In this silent din, someone wants to be free to carve out an existence among the fragments of other passing lives.


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